Sebcore Personal Software

Download the latest AdTextBox version

AdTextBox is an advanced textbox control for software developers. It has many built-in features like:

  • Input key control of Dates, Numbers, Alphanumeric Strings, Alpha Strings
  • Validation checks including Regular Expression validation
  • Letter case control
  • Automatic selection of text when receiving focus
  • Configuring additional back and next keys
  • Autoskip feature
  • Limitation to input of special characters

    Consult the manual included in the download file for more information


    I've installed a new version of AdTextBox,
    but now the applications based on the previous one don't work any more...

    This error occured when you upgraded AdTextBox from the very first version.
    It has been fixed in the latest versions.
    To solve this, perform following steps:
    1. Install the new AdTextBox version
    2. Create a new VB Project
    3. Insert an AdTextbox object (new version) on the default form
    4. Save the project and exit VB
    5. Edit the VBP File from the new project
    6. Look for the "Object=" line containing "AdTextBox"
    7. Copy that line to the clipboard
    8. Edit the VBP File from your own application
    9. Look for the "Object=" line containing "AdTextBox"
    10. Replace that line by the clipboard's content


    24-JUN-2004: Solved minlength / maxlength bug
    20-JUN-2004: New validation type added: Regular Expression validation - Use it together with the "Regular Expression" attribute to define the pattern to match with.
    20-JUN-2004: Added additional back key value when you want to use backspace to move one field back.
    20-JUN-2004: Added ErrorMessage attribute: adTextbox performs the validation and displays this message if validation fails.
    06-SEP-2003: MinLength() property added.
    08-MAY-2002: Added the dot as a possible date separator.
    27-AUG-2001: Small modifications to the allowThousandSeparator property.
    24-AUG-2001: New properties to allow/disallow decimal and thousand separators for numerical values.
    24-AUG-2001: New property to allow negative numbers and removal of the autoskip bug.
    22-AUG-2001: Property descriptions have been added.
    22-AUG-2001: Version 1.4 released with backkey, nextkey, autoskip and user defined character strings.
    12-AUG-2001: PasswordChar support has been enabled.
    09-AUG-2001: Maxlength() property added.
    09-AUG-2001: Demo Project corrected.
    09-AUG-2001: Allowance of the space key in numerical keycheck has been removed.
    03-JAN-2001: New Install Program registers the ocx in the windows' system path.
    09-NOV-2000: Font properties have been fixed: Size, Bold, Italic, Strikethru and Underline.
    01-SEP-2000: The setfocus bug has been solved.
    24-AUG-2000: The conflict with existing string functions has been fixed.

    Previous Versions

    AdTextbox 1.6 (20-JUN-2004) latest version!!!
    AdTextbox 1.5 (06-SEP-2003)
    AdTextbox 1.4 (22-AUG-2001)
    AdTextbox 1.3 (12-AUG-2001)
    AdTextbox 1.2 (09-AUG-2001)
    AdTextbox 1.1 (03-SEP-2000)
    AdTextbox 1.0 (26-JUL-2000)

    Since version 1.1 AdTextbox is binary compatible, this means that you can
    always upgrade the AdTextbox control and keep your projects working at any time.
    Refer to the FAQ paragraph above if you upgrade the control from version 1.0.

    For any comments, bugs and so one send me an email.